Employee BenefitsIndividual Life & HealthKeyman & Executive Benefits New Year, New Outlook? Hard to believe, as the last 18 months have been a complete blur for most of us, but 2021 is…Holloway Benefit ConceptsSeptember 23, 2021
Employee BenefitsIndividual Life & HealthKeyman & Executive Benefits Refresher on Underwritten vs. Affordable Care Act Plans for Small Businesses One of the things that we continue to educate employers on, nearly eight years after the ACA has gone into…Holloway Benefit ConceptsSeptember 22, 2021
Employee BenefitsIndividual Life & HealthKeyman & Executive Benefits President’s Message Hi All, Another summer month has come and gone as students begin to return to school across Texas. Definitely a…Holloway Benefit ConceptsAugust 11, 2021
Employee BenefitsIndividual Life & HealthManagement Complimentary HR Support Can Lighten Your Workload While Protecting You and Your Business Have you ever wished you had an in-house HR manager? Someone to help you onboard employees, inform you of legal…Holloway Benefit ConceptsAugust 9, 2021
Employee BenefitsIndividual Life & HealthKeyman & Executive Benefits President’s Message: Compliance and Disability Benefits: The Forgotten Pieces In this month’s newsletter, I wanted to talk about two commonly overlooked things (or completely unknown) in the benefits space,…Holloway Benefit ConceptsJuly 14, 2021
Employee BenefitsIndividual Life & HealthKeyman & Executive Benefits Compliance: The Forgotten Piece of Employee Benefits. The Problem In the early years of Holloway Benefits Concepts, I realized the need for an affordable compliance offering for…Holloway Benefit ConceptsJuly 12, 2021
Employee BenefitsIndividual Life & HealthKeyman & Executive Benefits Group Disability Programs: The Original Paycheck Protection Programs An often overlooked and misunderstood employee benefit is one that can offer serious financial protection and is VERY affordable compared…Holloway Benefit ConceptsJuly 12, 2021
Employee BenefitsIndividual Life & HealthKeyman & Executive Benefits President’s Message: Reference Based Pricing—The Next Big Change Coming in Healthcare Hi all, I want to address a concept in health insurance that we are seeing more often and explain how…Holloway Benefit ConceptsMay 28, 2021
Employee BenefitsIndividual Life & HealthKeyman & Executive Benefits Understanding Key man Insurance: What You Need to Know If you or an essential individual in your company passed away today, would your business be compromised? It is not…Holloway Benefit ConceptsMay 27, 2021
Employee BenefitsIndividual Life & HealthManagement How Employee Benefits Can Impact Employer and Employee Taxes If you are like many small businesses thrown for a loop during the pandemic, you may not be prepared for…Holloway Benefit ConceptsApril 14, 2021