H|BC is proud to announce that we are rolling out a “Microsite” for our clients. This microsite allows us to share as much or as little benefit-related information to your employees as you would like.
We will also have the capability to create multiple sites in order to accommodate the needs of those of you who may want to have one version of this microsite available for your current employees, and another more limited version that can be used for recruiting purposes. This will allow you to share your robust benefits packages with potential new hires while maintaining privacy when it comes to pricing details, points of contact, and so on! Something we know many of you will love to have as we have gotten many requests in the past to create some form of benefits presentation for this very purpose. Now we just get to make it one step more fluid!
Through our partnership with EB3, this microsite feature ultimately allows us to create an online shared folder where we can place static documents such as benefit summaries, vendor flyers, etc. while also having the ability to omit whatever information or level of detail you would not want “floating around” in a somewhat public forum.
We are so excited about this “middle of the road” solution that bridges the gap between a full-blown enrollment site/kit, and not having any public information available at all. With this level of control over what is out there, we are thrilled to be able to provide such a service for all of our clients.
As we approach our pre-renewal sessions, rest assured that this additional offering will be one that we will be discussing, but is available at any time for those of you who are interested and would like to have yours set up sooner!
Please be on the lookout for additional announcements and some direct emails from us on this new feature. If this is something you would like to deploy for your staff, let’s talk!
Thanks so much! Ryan