As mentioned, we got hit with some turnover in the last part of 2022 – more than we’ve ever had to deal with.
I know most of you in the business world have dealt with this a good amount, so 2022 was our turn for everything. One employee leaving was a surprise, the other not so much, but the good news is we’ll be coming out of it MUCH better.
We’ve already made one amazing hire in, Samantha Hardy, and you can learn more about her in her bio. We are also close to making an offer for a full-time administrative assistant for the office.
We also shot a bio video for Evie. We didn’t think it was fair that everyone except Evie had a bio and a video on the website! Our VP of Culture is much happier now, and she’s not chewing on my arm quite as much.😊
There are a few other updates we’re excited to share.
I mentioned in the intro that we had some personal family issues that resulted in us having to re-home several of my mom’s dogs, a cat, and a rabbit.
We kept one of the pups, so we’re excited to announce Evie has a new friend in the office and at home. His name is Rowdy, and we don’t know what kind of dog he is, but we think he’s a long-haired chihuahua, dachshund, or possibly a papillon mix. We have a DNA test, so we’ll be doing that soon and will keep you posted. Here’s a pic of them after we spent about half an hour at the dog park by the office today. It’s tough being an office dog.
Last but not least, in the last half of this year, we’ve been training and getting up to speed on our new CRM, an agency-focused program built on Salesforce. We’re excited as it has many features that you probably know. The first one we’ll be rolling out will be an automated eligibility tracker with a dedicated service email for employee additions, terminations, and updates to which our partners can send change requests.
The tracker will automatically notify our account management team and start a request on your behalf with a tracking number assigned, so it will streamline and automate the eligibility and HR updates that we do for so many of our clients/business partners.
We are working out the kinks and some of the automated emails and verbiage, but stay tuned. We expect to push this update out for eligibility within the next few weeks.
Thanks, everyone! We hope 2023 is off to an amazing start for each and every one of you!