Hi All,
I know we’ve been talking about this for a bit, but we’re very excited to announce two of our ongoing updates that we’re putting in place immediately. The first is a more streamlined approach for our reminder emails sent to clients. This will take the form mainly in the emails we send for eligibility reminders, but we are exploring ways to get more lists and contact items built out, like our newsletters, etc., that we can incorporate into Salesforce as well.
We all know this, but the fewer systems we have in place, the more consolidated we can get. We’re still learning the ropes on the Salesforce side, as there is so much that you can do, but we are very happy with it so far, and we know the sky is truly the limit of what we can do there. We just have to think it up.😊
The other item that we have spoken about previously and are very excited about is the creation of a specific email address that is tied into Salesforce and will be used going forward for any service requests, from employee additions and terminations to address updates, etc. We will share this email address in our April eligibility update, so stay tuned for that.
Also, going forward, we will thank you for any requests that come in, but we will also send them to that address when replying.
Here are the benefits of the added salesforce integration:
Requests are immediately logged into our CRM, removing the manual adding-in process previously handled internally.
- This speeds up our staff’s response time and reduces busy work so we can work on more pressing issues😊
- The first person to see the request will either assign it to themselves to handle OR pass it on to the appropriate account manager
Immediate notification to the team that a request has come in
- This adds visibility so others can help out if someone is out or in a meeting
- Keeps requests from being delayed because one person is out or busy
Tracking and reporting capabilities
- We all know the big thing in today’s world is data.
- This capability will allow us to see trends and run reports on # of requests, timelines for making changes per account, etc.
No lost requests
- An autoresponder will be built in so you know once you’ve sent in a request that it has been received.
- The fact that the requests are getting farmed to the team will also prevent anything from getting missed or overlooked.
- There is an open request report that we’re regularly reviewing, so we all have oversight on anything that is pending, so if there are issues, we as a team can collectively jump on it and get it worked out.
We’re very excited about our continued integration of operations into the Salesforce platform and hope you are as well. These efforts and investments in time and revenue are all being made to speed up or automate repetitive internal tasks so that we can spend more time doing the things we like, which is visiting and talking to our clients every day.
Are you a Salesforce user, or do you have some cool, fun things you are doing with your internal systems or CRMs? If so, we’d love to hear about them, especially if you think it’s something we could potentially replicate and make part of our ongoing efforts to be the best and most responsive employee benefits-focused agency possible.
Thanks so much for reading! As always, please feel free to contact us with any questions!