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Mineral Vendor Spotlight

By November 1, 2023September 17th, 2024No Comments

Hi everyone, we had a great Mineral training session for our joint UHC & Mineral clients earlier this month, so to keep the Mineral momentum going, we wanted to do a quick vendor spotlight on them and what all they do. I know we have a good partner when this is something we have evaluated internally and UHC started offering them to their clients after we did.

If you are paying your payroll co. or some other firm for an HR online Suite and HR consultants, I recommend you take a hard look at Mineral. It has a very nice price tag for HBC clients. 😊

Mineral is a very powerful HR & Compliance tool that is only available to employers from their brokers or other vendors. What does this mean? Well, our approach is we pay the subscription and then offer it to any/all our clients that want it and see value in it.

Working in the space that we do, which is mainly the small and mid-sized business market, most of our clients either do not have any HR staff or they have very limited staff who work in HR but are wearing lots of other hats or are a single person HR dept. Obviously, this can be overwhelming and taxing, so we here at Holloway Benefit Concepts made the decision in 2021 that we were going to provide this valuable resource to our clients.

You might be familiar with Mineral as they were formerly known as ThinkHR. They rebranded not too long ago and changed their name. As mentioned above, through their platform, users get access to a number of different tools and modules.

Here are some of the most popular ones listed below:

  • Handbook generator tool
  • Online employee training classes
  • Federal and State Law Compliance Libraries
  • HR & Compliance Guides
  • Auto Notifications for Law Changes for Multi-State Employers
  • Access to Certified HR Professionals for challenging labor/employee questions

Not only are we providing access to Mineral to all of our clients, but we are also users ourselves. This powerful platform gives employers a single platform where they can develop and or research all things HR and even provides access to certified HR professionals that can help when you have challenging issues.

We’re very proud to be able to provide this resource to our clients and this is simply another way we are trying to empower those who have entrusted us as partners to be as efficient and competitive as possible in their day-to-day businesses and the ongoing war for talent that we are all facing.

If you are one of our business partners and have not yet signed up for access, please reach out to us and let us know who you would like to have assigned as your company’s primary point of contact. To get started and to get a welcome email sent with user ID and login info, we just need your point person’s name, email, phone number and job title.

Thanks so much for your partnership with HBC!
