So our new site launched this week and we’re super excited about it. This has been a work in progress for quite some time. Steadfast has been on us the entire time, but we’ve had a little turnover and a few fires here and there that we’ve had to deal with that pushed the project down on the priority list, but here we are. The thing I am most excited about with the new website is that I finally have a partner who will help us get the information out there that we want to share, but we are also going to be able to really turn our site into a news/info resource for our clients. We have always wanted to take this next step, so we’re excited that we’re here.
With all this said, we have added a client resources section to the new website that we hope you will find helpful. If there’s other info that we can help provide and you’re a client, please let us know. We want this section to be as helpful for you as possible. We will constantly be adding to to it as we add or change vendors, so please check back often!