Hello, we’re continuing with our vendor spotlight blogs and this month I just wanted to put a little positivity in the air in regards to one of our health insurance providers, UnitedHealthcare. Now don’t get me wrong, we work with a good # of insurance providers and I am in no way shape or form saying UHC is the silver bullet single solution for every employer because they are not. As a matter of fact, that doesn’t exist. We’ll tell you the same thing that our counterparts over at UHC would tell you, they are not going to be a fit for every employer. Nobody is.
Along those lines, we have clients with just about every insurance co. you can imagine and the reason being, every employer is different, has different pools of employees with different risk and claim profiles, and ultimately all the different insurance and stop loss providers have different underwriting appetites so you have to be willing and able to bark up some different trees for different clients. Shout out to Evie, our resident barker.
We are not and never will be in the habit of just doing what is easy and quick. If we did that, we wouldn’t have just celebrated our 11th anniversary and would not have the long term client relationships that we have had, some of them dating darn near back to day 1 when we started the company.
With all that said, we do try and put our clients with the best provider possible and when you have done that and done it successfully, you can oftentimes enjoy some good long term runs with the insurance providers.
I don’t know if there was anything special that we were doing last year that maybe others weren’t or if potentially UHC has gotten a bit better at pricing their programs or possibly even their blocks of business in the small and medium sized markets here in Texas are finally profitable enough for them that they aren’t having to deliver crazy renewals, but I do have to say, so far in late 2021 and in the first half of 2022, we are seeing better renewals from UHC than we’ve probably even seen.
We were early adopters going back 5 or 6 years ago when UHC first rolled out AllSavers, but many of those clients we ended up having to move to other vendors after year 1 because the renewals did not make sense. On the contrary, this year we are seeing some really good renewals from UHC so much ot the point that it made me want to talk about it. I feel like hopefully we’ve really turned a corner with them somehow someway. Some clients we even expected to have some pretty bad renewals because they had horrible claims losses but we were really presently surprised when the renewals were issued and they weren’t bad at all.
So again, just trying to put some positivity out in the universe because there’s not enough of it out there. There’s always going to be issues and problems with the different insurance providers, especially given the personal and emotional nature of what it is they are insuring, but I did want to share some successes we were seeing this year with many of our 2nd and 3rd year renewals with UHC.
We work with some amazing people over there and they know who they are and we appreciate all of your hard work and support that you provide our staff, in an effort to provide our mutual clients the best experience possible.
If there’s any vendor spotlights or things you’d like to see us touch on please let us know, we’re more than happy to shed insights on anything you would like to hear about (within reason of course). 😊
Thanks for the read!