In the second installment of our Veteran Non-Profit Spotlight, we shine a light on Battle-Buddy Info, the military initiative of Sunshine After Rain, a North Texas organization dedicated to helping active duty military personnel, veterans, and their caregivers connect with valuable resources to help in their transition to civilian life. We spoke with founding President Charlynn Johns about the important work Battle-Buddy Info is engaged in.
Describe the work your organization does and who you endeavor to help.
Battle-Buddy.Info is an online directory of resources for military members and their families. Our website was designed by military members and their caregivers as a way to locate much needed resources in an easy to use format. From our site, you can determine if you are eligible for a resource (some resources are branch specific/conflict specific) as well as linking directly to the partner website’s application form. We have helped thousands of veterans and family members nationwide. Battle-Buddy Info is the military initiative of the non-profit Sunshine After Rain and does not solicit funds through the Directory or at events. We received grant funding that keeps us operational.
Our passionate advocacy on behalf of veterans health care not only directly impacts veterans in DFW, but the 9 million veterans nationwide that receive treatment at VA Medical Centers across the country. In 2018, in partnership with a large variety of community stakeholders, Battle-Buddy.Info led the efforts of the #StopOne Campaign to impact the way suicide prevention and education is delivered to the community.
If someone asked you about your organization, what’s the one most important aspect or takeaway you’d want them to remember?
Engagement is everything! Most people have friends, family members or coworkers that are veterans. By engaging veterans, and their families, one person can be the catalyst to aiding the process for transitioning members as well as providing them with a network of community.
What’s the single biggest ‘push’ or area of focus for your organization right now?
The #StopOne Campaign is the biggest “push.” However, as we’re talking– I realize that the December 15th Operation Care Christmas Gift is another area where we could really use assistance. We can use volunteers, corporations to organize Coat Drives, winter gear drives, etc! This is our 5th year as Veteran Partner Coordinators. Since year one, our vision has been for veterans in the community to come serve veterans who are under-served or homeless. There is no comparing how a veteran in need responds to a veteran willing to come alongside them and walk with them through the Convention Center. Even if just for a day, to feel ‘seen’ and human is a huge step! I have attached the highlight video below.
What’s the biggest single need your organization has right now?
As I shared above, Battle-Buddy.Info does not solicit funds. Our funding is raised through Sunshine After Rain, and donations on behalf of our military initiative are always appreciated. As the new Program Director of the Dallas Veteran Resource Center’s #StopOne Initiative we are looking for corporate partnerships for funding those efforts. This is done through the 501 c3 Homeless Veterans Services of Dallas. We are offering Mental Health First Aid Training free of charge to participants (typically between $40-$65) on a monthly basis. The more people who are educated about suicide awareness, the more suicides can be prevented!
Learn More About Operation Care Christmas Gift
Volunteer, Donate, or Connect With Battle-Buddy
4900 S Lancaster Rd.
Dallas, Texas 75216
Direct line (469) 289-3067
About Holloway Benefit Concepts
HBC was founded in early 2011 by Ryan Holloway. After serving over 8 years on active duty in the US Marine Corps, Ryan transitioned from being a full-time marine into an HR professional in early 2003. This began a journey and awoke a passion for helping companies who value their employees. After spending time working with a COBRA and FSA Administrator, an insurance company, and a large brokerage, Ryan realized that there were more unique and creative solutions for businesses than other companies were willing or able to realize. Seizing on his own entrepreneurial spirit, Ryan set out to found an independent agency designed to provide unique and original insurance solutions. To learn more about HBC, visit